Reception Furniture > Literature

Shape your Space Morpheo Just like a chameleon, the Morpheo reception furniture adapts easily to its environment. In addition to making a lasting impression on your visitors, the modularity and modern style of Morpheo will transform your reception area into an ergonomic and appealing workstation. Integrated pigeonholes, floating top look, wheelchair accessible counter: all these options make the Morpheo reception furniture indispensable. Customize your workstation with our 60 and 90 degree components. With its curved design, your reception area furniture will certainly make heads turn! Practical curved design from Morpheo in Classic Chocolate finish. Onyx seating by United Chair. Morpheo reception furniture with anodized aluminium kickplate, Classic Chocolate and Snow finishes. Saggio seating by United Chair. M o r p h e o R E C E P T I O N F U R N I T U R E 3 x 60° 2 x 90° 3 x 90° 2 x 60° 1 x 90°