GroupeLacasse > Social Responsibility Report > 09.2020

5 Social Responsibility Report - 2020 We strive to always be open and responsive to our members and their needs. We try to provide the safest work environment possible. In 2019, we managed to reduce the number of health and safety claims by almost 33%, despite a slight increase of total employees compared to 2018. Health and Safety Training In 2019, we managed to reduce the number of health and safety claims by almost 33%. We offer different kinds of health classes to employees (yoga, weight training, stretching…) who want to take a mental and physical break during their busy work day. Groupe Lacasse aims for the full potential of its members. That is why we continue to offer at the request of a member or his/ her manager training in several key areas related to their job or development of essential skills. We also strive to provide training for all our members, whether on workplace health and safety, harassment, or management. Groupe Lacasse aims for the full potential of its members.