Think Smart > Literature
top tHicKnESSES oF 1" and 1 ½" (25 and 38 MM) SMootH 3 ∕ 32 " (3 MM) tHicK EdgE EdgEbanding THe n eDGebaNDING maTchesThe finish specified forTheTop (all wooD GraIN, paTTerNeD aND solID color FINIsHes). All edges on our laminate thermofused furniture are finished with thick ABS edgebanding. HandlES lEgS Q – sQuaRE oRv – RouNd paINTeD meTal sIlver or aNTHracITe Grey Q – sQuaRE oRv – RouNd paINTeD meTal sIlver or aNTHracITe Grey L – LINEaR THermoplasTIc polymer sIlver or aNTHracITe Grey eXcepTIoN:l HaNDle Is NoT compaTIble oN FurNITure wITHalumINum FrameDTraNsluceNT Doors or oNTHe meTal Doors oF lapTop carTs. Please refer to United Chair ® swatch cards for cushion and chair coverings. Please consult the Think Smart price list for complete details of the Think Smart offer. For complete product offering and detailed information on all our products under the Lacasse, United Chair and Nvision brands, please refer to the current literature and price lists. a – aNTHracITe Grey T – TraNsluceNT INserT s – sIlver accEnt colorS a world oF optionS NoTe: colors shown on these pages are as exact as printing techniques will allow. please request an actual color sample. inSErtS For doorS 19
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